Celebrations of Gurudeva’s 125th Birth Anniversary Year at YSS Dwarahat Ashram (Oct. 13-14, 2018)

YSS Dwarahat Ashram celebrated Gurudeva Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji’s 125th birth anniversary year (2018) with two consecutive days of special meditation sessions, on October 13 and 14.

It included meditation, chants, bhajans, aarti and pushpanjali.

Aid in the form of sweaters and socks was also distributed to the students of the free primary school, Yogoda Balakrishnalaya, run by the Ashram on this occasion.

To view images from the programme, click here.

Recognising Gurudeva Sri Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji's contributions and his spiritual stature, the government of India has decided to commemorate his 125th birth anniversary, and will take up various programmes to honour and commemorate this occasion with the help of YSS. 

To read more, click here.