YSS Dwarahat Ashram Organizes Medical Camp for Locals (May 2024)

“I will feel for others as I feel for myself. I will work out my own salvation by serving my fellowman.”

— from Metaphysical Meditations by Paramahansa Yogananda

Yogoda Satsanga Sakha Ashram — Dwarahat organized a three-day, free medical camp for the residents of Dwarahat town and the neighbouring villages from May 4 to 6, 2024. Along with the main camp at Dwarahat, the ashram also organized sub-camps in two remote villages — Suraikhet and Ratkhal. Around 2,000 people benefited from the camp, some of them travelling nearly 30 to 40 kilometres from distant villages to partake of the medical services offered during this bi-annual charitable event conducted by the ashram.

The doctors at the medical camp also served 80 children studying in Yogoda Balakrishnalaya – the ashram-run pre-primary and primary school – receiving a complete medical checkup by paediatricians, eye surgeons, an ENT specialist, and receiving insights in oral hygiene.

Specialist doctors came from many places including Agra, Bareilly, Chandigarh, Haryana, Hyderabad, Kullu, Delhi NCR, Pune, Surat and other places across the country to Dwarahat to offer their skills in fields such as Ophthalmology, ENT, Cardiology, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Orthopaedics, Gynaecology, Dental, and so on. Similar to camps conducted over the previous years, this year too, pathology tests were conducted without any charges, and medicines were distributed free of cost.

YSS has been conducting medical camps in Dwarahat every year for many years now. These camps are very popular with the local people and they eagerly look forward to these highly beneficial camps. 

The medical professionals were supported in this camp by 25 young volunteers from among the students of Dwarahat Engineering College (BTKIT) and other local students who have been regularly serving in these camps since 2018. These students along with YSS devotees and local volunteers served with great love and sincerity in making the camp a success.

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